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About 35 million Americans suffer from hearing loss, with about 28.5% of them using hearing aids. Hearing aids make sounds louder so a person with a hearing problem can listen, communicate, and participate more in the activities they enjoy, including watching TV.
If you are already using a set of hearing aids, here are a few tips to enhance your TV experience with your loved ones:
When you can’t hear the TV, your first inclination is to use the remote control to crank up the volume. However, turning up the volume won’t make sounds clearer or easier to understand. Plus, the loud sounds can make your family members angry.
If you’re struggling to catch every word when watching TV or video with hearing aids, you should reach out to your audiologist for assistance. You may have the wrong hearing aids for your situation, or they may be configured incorrectly.
While you wait to have your hearing aids fixed, you can use subtitles to catch the words that you missed. Most TVs come with closed captioning settings that offer subtitles for each program you are watching.
Configuring specific features on your TV settings can help if your hearing loss affects how you comprehend conversations. These features help you listen clearly to important sounds without the need to raise the volume of your hearing aids or TV set.
Go to the audio section of your TV settings and do the following:
A practical solution for watching TV with hearing loss is to use the right speakers. Do you remember your grandparents’ old box-style TV? These TV sets had prominent speakers on the front of the device, making it easier to hear everything going on. Now, modern TVs are slimmer with very little room for speakers. This means today’s built-in speakers are small and often face the walls rather than frontwards. This is a recipe for a poor TV-watching experience.
High-quality external speakers and soundbars enhance the clarity of sounds and make it easier for you to follow on-screen action without raising the volume high. Modern speakers are designed to deliver better sound quality than the inbuilt TV sound system, meaning you won’t strain to follow conversations even when the volume is turned down.
If you don’t want to fuss with new speakers, you can get a Bluetooth streamer. Some hearing aids come with Bluetooth technology that can stream the TV sound directly to your hearing aids. All you need to do is get a TV connector or transmitter, plug it into your TV, and sync your hearing aids to this device.
A great benefit that Bluetooth hearing aids offer is that it allows you to seamlessly and comfortably watch TV and video with friends and loved ones. You can catch every word on the show or movie while also participating in conversations with those around you. Many people find this far favorable to TV headphones, which isolate you, making it difficult to engage with others while you’re watching a video.
If you are straining to follow your favorite shows on your TV, it is time to find the ideal hearing aids. If you are looking for the ideal hearing aids for you or your loved one, Direct Hearing stocks quality hearing aids from top brands. For more information about our hearing aid financing options, contact us today!
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