Get the Perfect Fit: A Step-by-Step Guide to Hearing Aid Fittings

Get the Perfect Fit: A Step-by-Step Guide to Hearing Aid Fittings

  • Jun 13, 2023
A Step by Step Guide to Hearing Aid Fittings | Direct Hearing

Imagine struggling to comprehend conversations in noisy environments, or feeling isolated due to the inability to hear the world around you. For those with hearing loss, these challenges are all too familiar.


Hearing aids can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals with hearing loss, but the key to success lies in proper hearing aid fittings. Are you ready to take control of your hearing and embrace a world of clearer sounds? Read on to discover the importance of hearing aid fittings, the evaluation process, and how to achieve the perfect fit for optimal hearing.


In this blog post, we will explore the step-by-step guide to hearing aid fittings, from understanding the importance of proper fitting to adjusting to your new hearing aids. We will also discuss ongoing care and maintenance and the role of over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids.


By the end of this post, you will be equipped with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions about your hearing care and confidently navigate the world of hearing aids.


Short Summary


  • Hearing aid fittings are essential to guarantee tailored sound amplification and comfort.
  • The fitting process involves a hearing test, assessment of lifestyle & listening needs, physical adjustments for comfort and programming/customization settings.
  • Professional care & maintenance is necessary to protect overall hearing health and ensure optimal results from OTC or fitted devices.

Understanding the Importance of Hearing Aid Fittings

Hearing aid fittings are essential for proper hearing aid selection, fitting, and programming to ensure comfort and functionality. Imagine the frustration of investing in hearing aids only to find them uncomfortable or inefficient due to an improper fit.


By taking the time to undergo a comprehensive hearing aid fitting, you can avoid these issues and maximize your hearing potential.


The necessary steps for a successful hearing aid fitting include adequate preparation prior to the fitting appointment, a hearing test, real ear measurements, and a comprehensive introduction to the use of the hearing aid. By understanding the importance of individualized hearing aid fittings, you can ensure a better hearing experience tailored to your unique needs and preferences.


Furthermore, regular checkups with your hearing care professional are imperative to guarantee that your hearing aids are suitably fitted and adjusted, and to avert the results of uncorrected hearing loss.


The Hearing Aid Evaluation Process

Before diving into the world of hearing aids, it is crucial to undergo a thorough hearing aid evaluation process. The evaluation entails a hearing test and an analysis of lifestyle and listening requirements to ascertain the optimal type of hearing aid.


The initial step in obtaining a hearing aid fitting is a comprehensive hearing test. By understanding your hearing loss severity, lifestyle, physiology, and personal preferences, your hearing care professional can determine the most suitable hearing aid for you.


Your audiologist will perform the hearing test and use the results to identify the most appropriate hearing aid for your needs.


Personal preferences, such as size, color, volume control, and additional features, may also be taken into account when making a hearing aid selection. By considering these factors, you can ensure a comfortable, functional, and personalized hearing aid experience.


Hearing Test and Assessment

During a hearing test and assessment, the hearing care professional will ascertain the health of your ears and evaluate the degree of your hearing loss. The hearing care professional will assess the softest sound that you can detect at various pitches and document the volume of sound that is unpleasant for you.


 Hearing Aid Test Example


This information is crucial for the hearing professional to customize your hearing aid settings, ensuring that softer sounds are amplified, and louder sounds are adjusted to comfortable levels.


Basic models of hearing aids may be suggested for individuals who lead a sedentary lifestyle and are mostly in tranquil environments.


By understanding the purpose of hearing tests and assessments, you can prepare yourself for the process and ensure that your hearing aid is accurately tailored to your unique hearing needs.


Lifestyle and Listening Needs

Lifestyle and listening needs play a significant role in determining the most appropriate hearing aid for an individual.


These needs refer to an individual's daily activities and the type of listening environments they encounter, as well as their capacity to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process.


By considering your lifestyle and listening needs, you and your hearing care professional can work together to select the hearing aid that will provide the best support and functionality for your unique situation.


Types of Hearing Aids

There are various types of hearing aids available, each designed to cater to different hearing needs and preferences. Upon discussing your requirements with a hearing care professional, you will be presented with recommended alternatives at various price points and may even have the chance to try out demonstration hearing aids.


Once a choice is made, the hearing care professional will order the chosen hearing aid and arrange an initial programming appointment.


The degree of hearing loss will be a deciding factor in which hearing aid styles may be the most suitable and the features of the devices that will be most beneficial to you.


For instance, an acoustic neuroma, a rare and benign growth around the vestibular nerve, could potentially influence the type of hearing aid chosen initially.


Unmissable Signs That Tinnitus is Going Away

Tinnitus, characterized by ringing, buzzing, or other sounds in the ears, can greatly affect one’s quality of life. With a wide range of potential causes and varying levels of severity, it’s important to understand the signs of improvement and how to effectively manage and prevent tinnitus.


Preparing for Your Hearing Aid Fitting Appointment

Before your hearing aid fitting appointment, it is essential to properly prepare. This includes researching hearing aids, understanding the fitting process, and bringing questions to ask your hearing care professional.


By familiarizing yourself with different styles, features, and brands of hearing aids, you can advocate for your needs and ensure that you receive the best possible hearing aid for your unique situation.


During your fitting appointment, do not hesitate to ask your hearing care professional any questions or voice any concerns you may have.


This is your opportunity to gain valuable information about your hearing aid, its functions, and how it can be tailored to your specific needs.


By investing time in preparing for your appointment, you can embark on your hearing aid journey with confidence and clarity.


The Fitting Process: Ensuring Comfort and Functionality

The fitting process is a crucial component of your hearing aid journey, ensuring that your hearing aid is comfortable and amplifies sound correctly.


This process involves the initial programming and customization of your hearing aid.


During your fitting appointment, the hearing professional will confirm that:


  • Your hearing aids are accurate
  • Evaluate their amplification settings 
  • Perform a real ear measure
  • Ascertain the volume of sound near the eardrum


Without any hearing aid device close by.


The hearing professional will also provide instructions regarding your hearing aids, including:


  • Insertion and removal
  • Cleaning and maintenance
  • Battery changing
  • Programming to different amplification levels


This information is crucial for ensuring that your hearing aids function optimally and provide the best possible hearing experience for you.


Physical Fitting

The physical fitting of a hearing aid involves inserting the device into your ear and making any necessary adjustments for comfort.


Experiencing difficulty acclimating to the sound of your own voice (the occlusion effect) can be concerning. Switching from a closed-fit hearing aid (or dome) to an open-fit hearing aid may help resolve the issue.


The earpiece is designed to ensure a precise fit and can be adjusted during the fitting appointment.


A hearing aid tube extends from behind the receiver and folds into the outer ear, providing additional support should the main hearing aid unit become dislodged when removing one's glasses or mask.


Programming and Customization

Programming and customization of a hearing aid involve adjusting the settings to suit your hearing needs.


Your hearing care professional, based on the results of your hearing test, will calibrate your hearing aid to address the specifics of your hearing loss and enable you to hear clearly.


This process is crucial for ensuring that your hearing aid not only amplifies sound, but does so in a way that is comfortable and tailored to your unique hearing profile.


Custom hearing aid settings can include personalized configurations programmed by your hearing care provider to optimize your auditory experience, such as musical preferences.


Working closely with your hearing professional to customize your hearing aid settings, you can ensure the best possible sound quality and overall satisfaction with your hearing aid.


Real-Ear Measurements

Real-ear measurements are a method of assessing the loudness of specific sounds within the ear canal.


They are essential in ensuring that the settings of your hearing aid are accurately adjusted according to your hearing loss.


Real-ear measurements guarantee that your hearing aid is adequately amplifying soft sounds without over-amplifying moderate or loud sounds, providing a comfortable experience and amplifying sound accurately.


Conducting a real ear measure during your hearing aid fitting appointment, your hearing professional can verify that your hearing aid is functioning optimally and is tailored to your unique hearing needs. This verification process is crucial for ensuring the best possible hearing experience and overall satisfaction with your hearing aid.


Adjusting to Your New Hearing Aids

Adjusting to your new hearing aids can be a challenging process, but with time and patience, you will acclimate to the new sounds and benefits they provide. Generally, it takes a few weeks to a few months for individuals to adapt to using hearing aids.


During this adjustment period, it is essential to attend regular check-ups with your hearing care professional to fine-tune settings and address any issues that may arise.


To aid in your adjustment to your new hearing aids, consider implementing a gradual increase in the duration of wear each day, beginning with more tranquil settings before progressing to more social or populated settings.


Allowing yourself time to adjust and seeking support from your hearing professional, you can maximize the benefits of your hearing aids and embrace a world of clearer sounds.


Ongoing Care and Maintenance

Ongoing care and maintenance of your hearing aids are essential to guarantee that they continue to operate correctly and prolong their life expectancy.


Routine cleaning and upkeep can also prevent the buildup of hazardous bacteria, which can be damaging to your wellbeing.


The continuous care and upkeep of your hearing aids includes cleaning, battery substitution, and resolving typical hearing aid problems.


The continuous care and upkeep of your hearing aids includes cleaning, battery substitution, and resolving typical hearing aid problems. By investing time and effort into maintaining your hearing aids, you can ensure their optimal performance and protect your hearing health.


In the event that you encounter any issues or require assistance with your hearing aids, do not hesitate to consult your hearing care professional for guidance and support.


Troubleshooting Common Hearing Aid Issues

Over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids provide an accessible and affordable option for those with mild to moderate hearing loss who cannot afford full-service hearing aids. However, self-fitting may not provide optimal results.


The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) concludes that there is no "clinically meaningful benefit" associated with the current medical evaluation for hearing aids.


The National Acoustical Society (NAS) claims that the demand for hearing aids is more than what is available. This, despite the few cases who may benefit from a professional fitting service.


Despite the convenience and affordability of OTC hearing aids, it is important to be aware of the potential drawbacks of self-fitting. Hearing care professionals are strongly against self-fittings. They believe it may lead to unsatisfactory results or further damage the wearer's hearing.


The Role of Over-the-Counter (OTC) Hearing Aids

Over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids serve as an accessible and affordable solution for individuals with mild to moderate hearing loss.

 Over the counter hearing aid percent


These FDA-regulated medical devices can be acquired without the need for a hearing exam, prescription, or appointment with an health care professional.


While OTC hearing aids offer convenience and cost savings, they may not be as effective as custom-fitted hearing aids tailored to an individual's specific hearing needs.


It is essential to weigh the pros and cons of OTC hearing aids and consider the importance of obtaining a professional fitting for your hearing aid. A professional fitting ensures that your hearing aid is suitably adjusted to your hearing needs, providing optimal sound quality and overall satisfaction.



Throughout this blog post, we have explored the importance of proper hearing aid fittings and the various steps involved in the process.


Get in contact with Direct Hearing to discuss available options we offer online.


From understanding the significance of hearing aid fittings and the evaluation process to adjusting to your new hearing aids and ongoing care, you now have the knowledge and tools to confidently navigate the world of hearing aids.


Frequently Asked Questions


What are the six 6 main stages of hearing aid fitting?

The hearing aid fitting process is a critical step in rehabilitation and consists of six major stages that should be followed carefully: Assessment, Treatment Planning, Selection, Verification, Orientation, and Validation.